Harnessing the Skin’s Sensitivity
The skin is the largest organ in the body that is very sensitive to external stimuli. The most sensitive areas of the skin have the greatest number of receptors, which can be found in the fingertips, lips, and toes. These areas allow us to understand pressure points that aid in relaxation, ultimately engaging in the process of unwinding and finding relief from stress (Tull, 2021). One of the ways to feel instant relief through the skin is with water. Activities such as soaking in a warm bath or going for a swim can help with the relaxation of the body. Warm sensations can also elicit a positive response, such as sitting in the warmth of the sun, along with certain fabrics from comfortable clothes that can feel very nice against your skin (Tull, 2021).
Notice Your Surroundings
As some environments may not be ideal to change outfits for optimal touch sensations, there are a few recommendations to enhance your mood through touch in any environment. Bennett (2017) shared a few examples:
Conscious awareness of the bodily senses.
The feeling of the wind or a blowing fan on your cheeks.
The smoothness of the keys on a keyboard, the grooves between them.
The pressure of your foot against the floor or the chair beneath you.